Industrial Relations Commission of NSW

Contact us

Principal Registry

Street Address:
Industrial Relations Commission
Level 10, 10-14 Smith Street
Parramatta  NSW  2150

View the location of the Principal Registry on Google Maps

Industrial Court of NSW
Level 1, 47 Bridge Street
Sydney  NSW  2000

View the location of the Principal Registry on Google Maps

Phone: 02 8688 3516

Interpreter Service: ​131 450

Postal Address: 
PO Box 927
Parramatta NSW 2124


  • Phone: 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday
  • In person: 9:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday


Industrial Relations Commission @nsw_irc

Email Us

How to contact the Commission by email. 


2.  Transcript Enquiries

  • Matters relating to transcripts only: Please see further information on the Transcripts Page


    • Applications by industrial organisations for Work, Health & Safety permits and s299 Right of Entry permits.


    • Electronic copies of awards, contract determinations, enterprise and contract agreements in accordance with the practice notes.

    Please Note

    The NSW Industrial Relations Commission's (IRC) email service is to be used only for inquiries regarding practice and procedure. 

    Please DO NOT email the IRC if your inquiry falls under one of the following categories.

    Legal Advice

    • Requests for legal advice cannot be responded to by the IRC.
    • Please contact your solicitor or legal representative for legal advice.
    • The NSW Law Society  provides a list of accredited legal specialists. If you would like to be referred to a lawyer, call them on 02 9926 0333.
    • LawAccess NSW  is a free service that will help you find information and services best able to assist with legal problems and questions. Call 1300 888 529 (TTY: 1300 888529) between Monday and Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm (excluding public holidays).

    Unfair Dismissals

    • The IRC's email address does not service Unfair Dismissal claims. 
    • For all inquiries please call us on 02 8688 3516 or see our Unfair Dismissals page.

    Awards, Enterprise Agreements, Rates of Pay &c.

    Equal Opportunity, Anti-discrimination or Harassment

    • The IRC does not provide information on equal opportunity, anti-discrimination or harassment matters.
    • Call The Anti-Discrimination Board on 02 9268 5544.

    Work Health and Safety or Workers Compensation 

    • The IRC does not provide information about work health and safety or workers compensation. 
    • Please contact SafeWork on 13 10 50 or see their contact page.

    After Hours Emergency Contact Service

    The Commission provides an after hours contact service 

    • for those parties who have a serious industrial dispute which cannot wait to be lodged until the following working day or 
    • when parties have initiated strike action and the urgent intervention of the Commission is required. 

    Please do not call this number to discuss your dismissal from employment or other grievance. Contact the Registry on 02 8688 3516 during normal business hours for this service. 

    ​After hours emergency: 0401 142 429  


    IRC Website Feedback Comment on the design, content, functionality and accessibility of this website. 

    Media contacts

    Phone: 9230 8190

    Last updated:

    12 Jul 2024

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