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The keyword index is arranged alphabetically. The registration number (Reg. No.) is linked to the contact details of the organisation or State Peak Council. Employee organisations have registration numbers beginning with the code EE and employer organisations have the prefix.
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
ABI | ER42-Peak | NSW Business Chamber Limited - related |
Academics | EE69 | NTEU New South Wales |
ACM | ER56-Peak | The Australian Industry Group New South Wales Branch |
Actors | EE26 | Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance New South Wales |
Administrative | EE22 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
AFEI | ER61-Peak | Australian Federation of Employers and Industries |
AFMEPKIU | EE06 | Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales Branch |
Aged | ER65 | Aged & Community Services Association of NSW & ACT Incorporated |
Agents | EE48 | Real Estate Association of New South Wales |
AHA | ER38 | Australian Hotels Association (NSW) |
AIG | ER56-Peak | The Australian Industry Group New South Wales Branch |
Airlines | EE05 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
AMA | ER29 | Australian Medical Association (NSW) Limited |
AMIEU Newcastle, Nthn | EE50 | The Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union, Newcastle and Northern Branch |
AMIEU NSW | EE39 | The Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union, New South Wales Branch |
AMWU | EE06 | Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales Branch |
Announcers | EE26 | Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance New South Wales |
APA | EE76 | Australian Paramedics Association (NSW) |
APESMA | EE58 | The Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (NSW Branch) |
ARA | ER58 | Australian Retailers Association, New South Wales Division |
Arts | EE26 | Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance New South Wales |
ASMOF | EE60 | Australian Salaried Medical Officers' Federation (New South Wales) |
ASU | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
Automotive | EE06 | Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales Branch |
AWU | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
AWU - FIME | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Bank Officers | EE41 | Finance Sector Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch |
BLF | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Boot Trade | EE17 | Transport Workers' Union of New South Wales |
Bread, Employees | EE04 | United Workers' Union, New South Wales Branch |
Brick | ER10 | Clay Brick & Paver Association of New South Wales |
Broken Hill | EE74 | The Broken Hill Town Employees' Union |
Builders | ER59 | Newcastle Master Builders' Association |
Builders | ER52 | The Master Builders' Association of New South Wales |
Building | EE70 | The Development and Environmental Professionals' Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Building Surveyors | EE07 | The Development and Environmental Professionals' Association |
Bus | ER21 | Bus and Coach Industrial Association of New South Wales |
Bus | EE47 | Rail, Tram and Bus Union of New South Wales |
Business | ER42-Peak | NSW Business Chamber Limited - related |
BWIU | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Camping | ER43 | The Caravan Camping and Touring Industry and Manufactured Housing Industry Association of NSW Limited |
Caravan | ER43 | The Caravan Camping and Touring Industry and Manufactured Housing Industry Association of NSW Limited |
Care | ER65 | Aged & Community Services Association of NSW & ACT Incorporated |
Care | ER46 | Association of Quality Child Care Centres of NSW Inc |
Carpenters | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Catholic Schools | EE46 | The Association of Principals Employed in Catholic Schools in New South Wales |
Ceiling | ER02 | The Association of Wall & Ceiling Industries of New South Wales |
CFMEU | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Chamber of Manufactures | ER42-Peak | NSW Business Chamber Limited - related |
Child | ER46 | Association of Quality Child Care Centres of NSW Inc |
Clay | ER10 | Clay Brick & Paver Association of New South Wales |
Clerical | EE22 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
Clerks | EE22 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
Clothing | EE78 | The Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of New South Wales |
Club | ER16 | The Registered Clubs Association of New South Wales |
Clubs NSW | ER16 | The Registered Clubs Association of New South Wales |
Coach | ER21 | Bus and Coach Industrial Association of New South Wales |
Coal | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Community | ER65 | Aged & Community Services Association of NSW & ACT Incorporated |
Confectioners | EE06 | Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales Branch |
Construction | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Construction | ER59 | Newcastle Master Builders' Association |
Construction | ER52 | The Master Builders' Association of New South Wales |
Contractors, Electrical | ER04 | The Electrical Contractors' Association of New South Wales |
Council, Newcastle Trades | EE71 | Newcastle Trades Hall Council |
Council, New South Wales Taxi | ER67 | New South Wales Taxi Council Limited |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Deckhands | EE02 | The Seamens' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch |
Decorators | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Development | EE07 | The Development and Environmental Professionals' Association |
Distributive | EE30 | Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association, New South Wales |
Draughting, Supervisory, Technical | EE06 | Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales Branch |
Drivers | EE17 | Transport Workers' Union of New South Wales |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Education | EE73 | Institute of Senior Educational Administrators of New South Wales |
Education | EE08 | New South Wales Independent Education Union |
Education | EE77 | Australian Education Union New South Wales Teachers Federation Branch |
Education, Tertiary | EE69 | NTEU New South Wales |
Electrical | EE33 | Electrical Trades Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch |
Electrical | ER04 | The Electrical Contractors' Association of New South Wales |
Emergency | EE76 | Australian Paramedics Association (NSW) |
Employers Federation | ER61-Peak | Australian Federation of Employers and Industries |
Employers First | ER61-Peak | Australian Federation of Employers and Industries |
Energy | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Energy | EE05 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
Engine Drivers | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Engineering | EE06 | Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales Branch |
Engineers | EE56 | Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers New South Wales District |
Engineers | EE58 | The Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (NSW Branch) |
Engineers | EE35 | The Local Government Engineers' Association of New South Wales |
Engineers, Society of | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
Entertainment | EE26 | Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance New South Wales |
Entertainment | EE54 | Musicians' Union of New South Wales |
Environmental | EE07 | The Development and Environmental Professionals Association |
ETU | EE33 | Electrical Trades Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Farmers | ER66 | NSW Farmers' (Industrial) Association |
FBEU | EE36 | Fire Brigade Employees' Union of New South Wales |
FCU | EE22 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
Federation of Employers | ER61-Peak | Australian Federation of Employers and Industries |
FIME, AWU - | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
Finance | EE41 | Finance Sector Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch |
Fire Brigade | EE36 | Fire Brigade Employees' Union of New South Wales |
Firemen | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Firemen & Deckhands | EE02 | The Seamens' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch |
First, Employers | ER61-Peak | Australian Federation of Employers and Industries |
Fish Merchants | ER37 | The Master Fish Merchants' Association of Australia |
Food | EE06 | Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales Branch |
Footwear | EE78 | The Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of New South Wales |
Forestry | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Fruit | ER33 | The New South Wales Chamber of Fruit and Vegetable Industries Incorporated |
FSU | EE41 | Finance Sector Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch |
Funeral | EE24 |
The Funeral and Allied Industries Union of New South Wales Branch |
Funeral | ER36 | The Funeral Directors' Association of New South Wales Limited |
Furnishing | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Furnishing | ER51 | Furnishing Industry Association of Australia Limited |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Garden | ER60 | Nursery & Garden Industry NSW Limited |
Gasfittters | EE38 | The New South Wales Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union |
Glass Workers | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
Government, Local | EE05 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
Government, Local | ER28 | Local Government NSW |
Government, Local | EE35 | The Local Government Engineers' Association of New South Wales |
Government, State | EE59 | Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales |
Gramophone | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
GRIU | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
Group | ER56-Peak | The Australian Industry Group New South Wales Branch |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Hairdressers | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
Health | EE15 | Health Services Union New South Wales |
Health Surveyors | EE07 | The Development and Environmental Professionals' Association |
HIA | ER11 | Housing Industry (Industrial Relations) Association |
Hospital Employees | EE15 | Health Services Union New South Wales |
HSU | EE15 | Health Services Union New South Wales |
Hospitality | EE04 | United Workers' Union, New South Wales Branch |
Hospitals, Private | ER17 | Private Hospitals Association of NSW Inc |
Hotels | ER38 | Australian Hotels Association (NSW) |
Housing | ER43 | The Caravan Camping and Touring Industry and Manufactured Housing Industry Association of NSW Limited |
HREA | EE15 | Health Services Union New South Wales |
HSU | EE15 | HSUeast |
Hunter Water | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
IEU | EE08 | New South Wales Independent Education Union |
Independent | EE80 |
Independent Education Union of Australia NSW/ACT |
Industry | ER56-Peak | The Australian Industry Group New South Wales Branch |
Ironworkers | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
Joiners | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Journalists | EE26 | Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance New South Wales |
Kindergarten | ER46 | Association of Quality Child Care Centres of NSW Inc |
Labor Council | EE-Peak | Unions NSW |
LGA | ER28 | Local Government and Shires Association of New South Wales |
LGEA | EE35 | The Local Government Engineers' Association of New South Wales |
LHMU | EE04 | United Workers' Union, New South Wales Branch |
Library Officers, University | EE59 | Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales |
Liquor | EE04 | United Workers' Union, New South Wales Branch |
Local Government | EE05 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
Local Government | ER28 | Local Government and Shires Association of New South Wales |
Local Government | EE35 | The Local Government Engineers' Association of New South Wales |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Managers | EE58 | The Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (NSW Branch) |
Manufactured Housing | ER43 | The Caravan Camping and Touring Industry and Manufactured Housing Industry Association of NSW Limited |
Manufactures, Chamber | ER42-Peak | NSW Business Chamber Limited - related |
Manufacturing Workers | EE06 | Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales Branch |
Marine Engineers | EE56 | Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers New South Wales District |
Maritime | EE28 | Australian Maritime Officers' Union of New South Wales |
Maritime & Water | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
Master Builders | ER59 | Newcastle Master Builders' Association |
Master Builders | ER52 | The Master Builders' Association of New South Wales |
MEAA | EE26 | Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance New South Wales |
Meat | EE39 | The Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union, New South Wales Branch |
Meat | EE50 | The Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union, Newcastle and Northern Branch |
Mechanical Contractors | ER47 | The Master Plumbers & Mechanical Contractors Association of New South Wales |
Media | EE26 | Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance New South Wales |
Media | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
Medical | EE76 | Australian Paramedics Association (NSW) |
Medical Association | ER29 | Australian Medical Association (NSW) Limited |
Medical Officers | EE60 | Australian Salaried Medical Officers' Federation (New South Wales) |
Metal Trades Industry | ER56-Peak | The Australian Industry Group New South Wales Branch |
Metals | EE06 | Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales Branch |
MEU | EE05 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
Midwives | EE23 | New South Wales Nurses' Association is now New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association |
Midwives | EE79 | Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation New South Wales Branch |
Mining | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Miscellaneous Workers | EE04 | United Workers' Union, New South Wales Branch |
Motor Traders | ER35 | Motor Traders' Association of New South Wales |
MSB Officers | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
MTA | ER35 | Motor Traders' Association of New South Wales |
MTIA | ER56-Peak | The Australian Industry Group New South Wales Branch |
Municipal Council Employees | EE05 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
Musicians | EE75 | Musicians' Union of Australia (Sydney Branch) |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Newcastle Trades Hall | EE71 | Newcastle Trades Hall Council |
Newsagents | ER63 | The Newsagents' Association of NSW and ACT Ltd. |
NSWBC | ER70 | NSW Business Chamber Limited |
NTEU | EE69 | NTEU New South Wales |
Nursery | ER60 | Nursery & Garden Industry NSW Limited |
Nurses | EE23 | New South Wales Nurses' Association is now New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association |
Nurses | EE79 | Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation New South Wales Branch |
Officers | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
Officers | EE59 | Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Painters | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Paver | ER10 | Clay Brick & Paver Association of New South Wales |
Pharmacy | ER25 | The New South Wales Pharmacy Guild |
Pharmacy, Retail | EE30 | Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association, New South Wales |
Plasterers | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Plumbers | ER47 | The Master Plumbers & Mechanical Contractors Association of New South Wales |
Plumbers | EE38 | The New South Wales Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union |
POA | EE59 | Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales |
Police | EE09 | Police Association of New South Wales |
Police | EE25 | Police Association Salaried Officers Union |
Pottery | EE29 | The Federated Brick, Tile and Pottery Industrial Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch |
Power Engineers | EE56 | Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers New South Wales District |
Printing | EE06 | Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales Branch |
Printing Employers | ER48 | Printing and Allied Trades Employers Association of New South Wales |
Private Hospitals | ER17 | Private Hospitals Association of NSW Inc |
Professional Engineers | EE58 | The Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (NSW Branch) |
Professional Officers | EE59 | Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales |
Professionals' | EE07 | The Development and Environmental Professionals' Association |
PSA | EE59 | Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales |
Public Service | EE59 | Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales |
Public Transport | EE47 | Rail, Tram and Bus Union of New South Wales |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Racecourse Totalisators | EE05 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
Racing | ER57 | The Racing Guild of New South Wales |
Rail | EE47 | Rail, Tram and Bus Union of New South Wales |
RCA | ER16 | The Registered Clubs Association of New South Wales |
Real Estate | EE48 | Real Estate Association of New South Wales |
Records | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
Recyclers | ER20 | Waste Contractors and Recyclers Association of N.S.W. |
Registered Clubs | ER16 | The Registered Clubs Association of New South Wales |
Research Employees | EE15 | Health Services Union New South Wales |
Retail Employees | EE11 | Shop Assistants and Warehouse Employees' Federation of Australia, Newcastle and Northern, New South Wales |
Retail Employees | EE30 | Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association, New South Wales |
Retail Tobacco | ER26 | The N.S.W. Retail Tobacco Traders' Association |
Retailers | ER58 | Australian Retailers Association, New South Wales Division |
Road Transport | ER69 | Australian Road Transport Industrial Organization, New South Wales Branch |
Roof | ER64 | Roofing Industry Association of NSW Incorporated |
RTBIU | EE47 | Rail, Tram and Bus Union of New South Wales |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Schools | ER46 | Association of Quality Child Care Centres of NSW Inc |
Schools | EE08 | New South Wales Independent Education Union |
Schools | EE77 | Australian Education Union New South Wales Teachers Federation Branch |
Scientists | EE58 | The Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (NSW Branch) |
SDA | EE30 | Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association, New South Wales |
Seamen | EE02 | The Seamens' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch |
Services | ER65 | Aged & Community Services Association of NSW & ACT Incorporated |
Services | ER12 | Building Service Contactors Association of Australia, New South Wales Division formerly Australian Building Services Association, New South Wales Division |
Services | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
Services | EE15 | Health Services Union New South Wales |
Shale | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Shinglers, Master | ER64 | Roofing Industry Association of NSW Incorporated |
Shire Council Employees | EE05 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
Shop | EE11 | Shop Assistants and Warehouse Employees' Federation of Australia, Newcastle and Northern, New South Wales |
Shop | EE30 | Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association, New South Wales |
Shops | ER58 | Australian Retailers Association, New South Wales Division |
Slaters, Master | ER64 | Roofing Industry Association of NSW Incorporated |
Social Welfare | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
State Bank | EE41 | Finance Sector Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch |
Stonemasons | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
TAB Agents | ER27 | TAB Agents' Association of New South Wales |
Taxi Drivers | EE17 | Transport Workers' Union of New South Wales |
Taxis | ER67 | New South Wales Taxi Council Limited |
Teachers | EE08 | New South Wales Independent Education Union |
Teachers | EE77 | Australian Education Union New South Wales Teachers Federation Branch |
Tertiary Education | EE69 | NTEU New South Wales |
Textile | EE78 | The Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of New South Wales |
Theatrical Employees | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
Tilers, Master | ER64 | The Master Roof Tilers and Slaters Association of NSW Incorporated |
Timber Trade | ER44 | Timber Trade Industrial Association |
Timber Workers | EE70 | Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (New South Wales Branch) |
Tobacco Traders | ER26 | The N.S.W. Retail Tobacco Traders' Association |
Town Employees | EE74 | The Broken Hill Town Employees' Union |
Touring | ER43 | The Caravan Camping and Touring Industry and Manufactured Housing Industry Association of NSW Limited |
Trades Hall Newcastle | EE71 | Newcastle Trades Hall Council |
Train | EE47 | Rail, Tram and Bus Union of New South Wales |
Tram | EE47 | Rail, Tram and Bus Union of New South Wales |
Transport | ER21 | Bus and Coach Industrial Association of New South Wales |
Transport | ER67 | New South Wales Taxi Council Limited |
Transport | EE17 | Transport Workers' Union of New South Wales |
Transport Officers | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
Transport, Road | ER69 | Australian Road Transport Industrial Organization, New South Wales Branch |
TWU | EE17 | Transport Workers' Union of New South Wales |
Keyword | Reg. No | Organisation Name |
Unions | EE-Peak | Unions NSW |
Universities | EE69 | NTEU New South Wales |
University Library Officers | EE59 | Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales |
Utilities | EE05 | New South Wales Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union |
Vegetable | ER33 | The New South Wales Chamber of Fruit and Vegetable Industries Incorporated |
Vehicle Builders | EE06 | Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales Branch |
Wall | ER02 | The Association of Wall & Ceiling Industries of New South Wales |
Warehouse Employees | EE11 | Shop Assistants and Warehouse Employees' Federation of Australia, Newcastle and Northern, New South Wales |
Waste | ER20 | Waste Contractors and Recyclers Association of N.S.W. |
Water & Maritime | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
Water & Sewerage | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
Water, Hunter | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
Welfare, Social | EE32 | Australian Services Union of N.S.W. |
Workers Union, Australian | EE24 | The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales |
This index is intended to assist in the identification of the correct names of industrial organisations registered under the Industrial Relations Act 1996. The key words are taken from the names of organisations currently registered under the Act and, in some cases, from the names of organisations that have been subsumed and de-registered on amalgamation. Several common acronyms, abbreviations and alternative names are also included. The keyword index does not attempt to set out the scope of membership coverage of organisations.
11 Mar 2024
We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and we pay respect to the Elders, past, present and future.