Industrial Relations Commission of NSW

List of Industrial Committees

Actors, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type           Effective          Expiry           Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4541 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Advertising Sales Representatives (State) Industrial Committee

Type           Effective           Expiry          Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4168 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Extend        03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9137 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Establish     21-Nov-02     21-Nov-05     C2018

Extend        06-Feb-06     21-Nov-08     C4368

Extend        25-Jan-11     25-Jan-14     C7543

Advertising Sales Representatives (Sydney Daily Newspapers) (State) Industrial Committee

Type            Effective        Expiry            Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4175 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Extend        03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9139 (PDF, 21.4 KB)

Advertising Sales Representatives (Sydney Daily Newspapers) (State) Industrial Committee

Type            Effective        Expiry           Pubn No.

Establish     21-Nov-02     21-Nov-05     C2017

Extend        06-Feb-06     21-Nov-08     C4369

Extend        25-Jan-11        25-Jan-14       C7539

Advertising Sales Representatives (Television and Radio) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4174 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Extend        03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9129 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Establish     21-Nov-02     21-Nov-05     C2016

Extend        06-Feb-06     21-Nov-08     C4362

Extend        25-Jan-11     25-Jan-14     C7542

Agricultural Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     09-Feb-93     09-Feb-96     B1984 (PDF, 14.8 KB)

Extend        14-Feb-05     14-Feb-08     C3565

Extend        14-Feb-08     14-Feb-11     C6588

Ambulance Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     18-Sep-96     18-Sep-99     B5413 (PDF, 15.4 KB)

Establish     15-Sep-99     15-Sep-02     B9128 (PDF, 15.4 KB)

Extend        18-Sep-03     18-Sep-06     C2219

Extend        18-Sep-06     18-Sep-09     C4572

Extend        18-Sep-09     18-Sep-12     C7618

Extend        01-May-14     18-Sep-15     C8207

Extend        19-Sep-15     18-Sep-18     C8412

Amenity Tree Industry (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     19-May-05     19-May-08     C3771

Extend        19-May-08     19-May-08     C6570

Extend        03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9135 (PDF, 21.2 KB)

Animal Feed Manufacture (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B9224 (PDF, 21.8 KB)

Establish     19-Nov-02     19-Nov-05     C2010

Extend        06-Feb-06     19-Nov-08     C4370

Extend        25-Jan-11     25-Jan-14     C7536

Animal Welfare Institutional (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3939 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Establish     25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9052 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Animal Welfare Non-Institutional (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3925 (PDF, 14.7 KB)

Establish     25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9054 (PDF, 22.2 KB)

Asphalt Makers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4198 (PDF, 15.7 KB)

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3709

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6575

Baking Industry (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     25-Mar-93     25-Mar-96     B2122 (PDF, 26.6 KB)

Extend        04-Aug-00     02-Sep-02     B9112 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Bespoke Bootmakers, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4518 (PDF, 5.1 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9079 (PDF, 5.1 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-02     02-Sep-05     C2322

Extend        08-Dec-06     08-Dec-09     C4564

Billposters (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3922 (PDF, 13.0 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9117 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Biscuit, Cake Makers and Pastrycooks, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4166 (PDF, 14.7 KB)

Extend        03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9130 (PDF, 21.4 KB)

Establish     26-Nov-02     26-Nov-05     C2008

Extend        06-Feb-06     26-Nov-08     C4371

Extend        25-Jan-11     25-Jan-14     C7541

Bituminous Materials Manufacture, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4064 (PDF, 14.6 KB)

Bowling and Golf Clubs, &c., Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4384 (PDF, 13.0 KB)

Builders' Labourers (State) Conciliation Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Dissolve      23-Jun-05     N/A           C3832

Building, Construction and Related Callings (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     23-Jun-05     23-Jun-08     C3832

Extend        24-Jun-08     24-Jun-11     C6634

Extend        19-Nov-10     19-Nov-13     C7519

Extend        22-May-14     22-May-17     C8212

Butchers, Animal Meat - Retail (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4414 (PDF, 14.6 KB)

Extend        21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3720

Extend        22-Feb-08     22-Feb-11     C6568

Butchers, Retail (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4405 (PDF, 15.2 KB)

Extend        09-Mar-05     09-Mar-08     C3724

Extend        09-Mar-08     09-Mar-11     C6472

Butchers, Wholesale (Country) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4404 (PDF, 15.2 KB)

Extend        21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3719

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6471

Butchers, Wholesale (Cumberland) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4415 (PDF, 14.9 KB)

Butchers, Wholesale (Newcastle and Northern) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4401 (PDF, 15.2 KB)

Extend        09-Mar-05     09-Mar-08     C3733

Extend        09-Mar-08     09-Mar-11     C6544

Butter, &c., Factory Employees (Newcastle and Northern) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4418 (PDF, 15.4 KB)

Extend        09-Mar-05     09-Mar-08     C3722

Extend        09-Mar-08     09-Mar-11     C6513

Butter, &c., Factory Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4484 (PDF, 15.7 KB)

Button Makers, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     17-Dec-96     17-Dec-99     B5537 (PDF, 12.9 KB)

Carpenters, Bricklayers (State) Conciliation Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Dissolve      23-Jun-05     N/A           C3832

Carpenters, Bridge and Wharf (State) Conciliation Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Dissolve      23-Jun-05     N/A           C3832

Cement Workers, &c., (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4013 (PDF, 14.6 KB)

Establish     07-Mar-05     07-Mar-08     C3705

Extend        07-Mar-08     07-Mar-11     C6595

Cement, &c., Pipe Making (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3713

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6594

Chaff Cutters, Lumpers and Mill Hands (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4094 (PDF, 13.3 KB)

Charitable Institutions (Professional Para-medical Staff) (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     17-Feb-99     17-Feb-02     B9017 (PDF, 7.4 KB)

Extend        18-Sep-03     18-Sep-06     C2215

Extend        18-Sep-06     18-Sep-09     C4570

Extend        18-Sep-09     18-Sep-12     C7616

Extend        01-May-14     18-Sep-15     C8208

Correction     N/A           N/A           C8216

Charitable Institutions (Professional Staff Social Workers) (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3690 (PDF, 13.0 KB)

Establish     17-Feb-99     17-Feb-02     B9015 (PDF, 7.6 KB)

Extend        18-Sep-03     18-Sep-06     C2298

Extend        18-Sep-06     18-Sep-09     C4571

Extend        18-Sep-09     18-Sep-12     C7617

Chemical Workers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4659 (PDF, 31.5 KB)

Establish     15-Sep-99     15-Sep-02     B9123 (PDF, 25.8 KB)

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3714

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6596

Cleaning Contractors (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3923 (PDF, 13.4 KB)

Extend        16-Feb-05     16-Feb-08     C3573

Clerical and Administrative Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B9070 (PDF, 19.3 KB)

Establish     13-Dec-00     13-Dec-03     B9889 (PDF, 34.4 KB)

Extend        21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3595

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6411

Clerical and Administrative Employees Legal Industry (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4425 (PDF, 14.2 KB)

Establish     02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9071 (PDF, 30.0 KB)

Extend        18-Feb-05     17-Feb-08     C3696

Extend        20-Dec-07     20-Dec-10     C5940

Clerks (Sydney Daily Newspapers) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4424 (PDF, 13.4 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9069 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Clothing Trades (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4157 (PDF, 15.5 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9124 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-01     02-Sep-04     C2331

Establish     06-Jun-07     06-Jun-10     C5696

Establish     12-May-10     12-May-13       C7464

Establish     26-Jul-12     26-Jul-15          C7988

Establish     05-Feb-16     05-Feb-16      C8522

Extend        18-Dec-19     18-Dec-22       C9583

Club Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4525 (PDF, 13.0 KB)

Establish     17-Feb-00     17-Feb-03     B9082 (PDF, 20.1 KB)

Establish     17-Feb-05     17-Feb-08     C3594

Coachmakers, &c., Rail (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4448 (PDF, 15.6 KB)

Coachmakers, &c., Road and Perambulator Manufacturers Consolidated (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4445 (PDF, 16.4 KB)

Extend        21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3716

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6581

Cold Storage, &c., Employees (Northumberland) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4429 (PDF, 14.9 KB)

Extend        09-Mar-05     09-Mar-08     C3700

Extend        09-Mar-08     09-Mar-11     C6464

Cold Storage, &c., Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4419 (PDF, 13.3 KB)

Extend        09-Mar-05     09-Mar-08     C3734

Extend        09-Mar-08     09-Mar-11     C6470

Commercial Travellers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4167 (PDF, 17.8 KB)

Extend        03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9138 (PDF, 29.2 KB)

Establish     15-Nov-02     15-Nov-05     C1723

Extend        06-Feb-06     15-Nov-08     C4372

Extend        25-Jan-11     25-Jan-14     C7540

Confectioners (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4446 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Corks and Cork Products Manufacture (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3924 (PDF, 14.2 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9119 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Cotton Ginning, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4093 (PDF, 14.3 KB)

Extend        14-Feb-05     14-Feb-08     C3567

Extend        14-Feb-08     14-Feb-11     C6584

Council of the City of South Sydney Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     22-Oct-97     22-Oct-00     B6365 (PDF, 22.6 KB)

Crown Employees (Clerical) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3450 (PDF, 13.5 KB)

Crown Employees (General) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3449 (PDF, 16.0 KB)

Crown Employees (Hospitals, Homes and Establishments) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4705 (PDF, 14.8 KB)

Crown Employees (Non-Commissioned Police Officers, &c.) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4483 (PDF, 13.2 KB)

Crown Employees (Nurses) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4681 (PDF, 12.0 KB)

Establish     17-Mar-99     17-Mar-02     B9014 (PDF, 22.0 KB)

Crown Employees (Professional) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3448 (PDF, 13.7 KB)

Crown Employees (Skilled Tradesmen) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     31-Mar-93     31-Mar-96     B2520 (PDF, 21.9 KB)

Extend        07-Jun-05     07-Jun-08     C3786

Extend        07-Jun-08     07-Jun-11     C6419

Dairying Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     11-Feb-05     11-Feb-08     C3570

Extend        11-Feb-08     11-Feb-10     C6578

Dental Assistants and Secretaries (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B2899 (PDF, 13.1 KB)

Extend        08-Sep-05     08-Sep-08     C4029

Extend        07-Feb-11     07-Feb-14     C7546

Department of Environment & Conservation (DEC) Parks & Wildlife Div. &c., Employees  Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4084 (PDF, 14.7 KB)
Establish     09-Feb-05     09-Feb-08     C3572
Extend        09-Feb-08     09-Feb-11     C6580

Domestic Pet Feed Manufacture (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B9223 (PDF, 22.2 KB)

Extend        03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9132 (PDF, 21.3 KB)

Establish     19-Nov-02     19-Nov-05     C2007

Extend        06-Feb-06     19-Nov-08     C4361

Extend        25-Jan-11     25-Jan-14     C7534

Domestic Workers, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3926 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Establish     25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9059 (PDF, 22.1 KB)

Draughtsmen, Planners, Technical Officers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4455 (PDF, 17.5 KB)

Drug Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4062 (PDF, 8.0 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9076 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-02     02-Sep-05     C2303

Extend        08-Dec-05     08-Dec-08     C4567

Electrical Contracting Industry (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4403 (PDF, 15.3 KB)

Electricians, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4402 (PDF, 19.0 KB)

Engine Drivers, &c., General (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     07-Dec-95     B2176 (PDF, 50.7 KB)

Engine Packing Manufacturers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3928 (PDF, 13.9 KB)

Establish     25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9053 (PDF, 33.2 KB)

Engineers, &c., Surveyors, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4426 (PDF, 15.8 KB)

Farriers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4449 (PDF, 14.9 KB)

Fibre Cement and Fibre Bonded Products (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B2710 (PDF, 13.2 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9115 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Fish Canning, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4083 (PDF, 15.0 KB)

Fish Wholesale Marketing (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     16-Mar-05     16-Mar-08     C3708

Footwear Manufacturers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     17-Dec-96     17-Dec-99     B5538 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Forestry Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4142 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Friction Materials, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3927 (PDF, 14.3 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9116 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Fruit Packing Houses Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     09-Feb-93     09-Feb-96     B1953 (PDF, 14.6 KB)

Extend        09-Feb-05     09-Feb-08     C3569

Extend        09-Feb-08     09-Feb-11     C6579

Furnishing Trades (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     14-May-93     14-May-96     B2283 (PDF, 59.3 KB)

Extend        16-Mar-05     16-Mar-08     C3717

Extend        17-Jan-08     17-Jan-11     C6395

Gangers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4060 (PDF, 16.7 KB)

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3706

Gelatine and Glue Industry, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3929 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Establish     25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9055 (PDF, 22.1 KB)

Glass Workers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     29-Mar-93     29-Mar-96     B2129 (PDF, 27.2 KB)

Extend        01-Apr-05     01-Apr-08     C3704

Extend        01-Apr-08     01-Apr-11     C6635

Government Railways (Building Trades) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     23-Mar-93     23-Mar-96     B2181 (PDF, 13.0 KB)

Extend        01-Apr-05     01-Apr-08     C3703

Extend        01-Apr-08     01-Apr-11     C6636

Government Railways (Permanent Way) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     04-Mar-05     04-Mar-08     C3785

Extend        04-Mar-08     04-Mar-11     C6569

Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4140 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Establish     04-Mar-05     04-Mar-08     C3589

Extend        04-Mar-08     04-Mar-11     C6400

Health, Fitness and Indoor Sports Centres (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3937 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Establish     25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9060 (PDF, 21.3 KB)

Horticultural Industry Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     17-Feb-05     17-Feb-08     C3596

Extend        17-Feb-08     17-Feb-11     C6589

Hotel Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4464 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Establish     30-Apr-01     30-Apr-04     C1191

Ice Cream Manufacturers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4462 (PDF, 13.3 KB)

Independent Schools and Colleges, General Staff, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3938 (PDF, 14.9 KB)

Establish     25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9220 (PDF, 23.0 KB)

Insulation Materials Manufacture (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3936 (PDF, 14.0 KB)

Establish     25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9057 (PDF, 21.7 KB)

Jam, Vinegar, Sauce, &c., Manufacture (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4461 (PDF, 13.3 KB)

Jewellers and Watchmakers, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4485 (PDF, 14.6 KB)

Journalists, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     25-Mar-97     25-Mar-00     B5595 (PDF, 33.6 KB)

Kindergartens, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3895 (PDF, 17.4 KB)

Establish     25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9634 (PDF, 21.0 KB)

Landscape Gardeners, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3694

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6401

Laundry Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     25-Nov-92     25-Nov-95     B2088 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Extend        14-Feb-05     14-Feb-08     C3566

Extend        14-Feb-08     14-Feb-11     C6574

Library and Information Services, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3935 (PDF, 15.8 KB)

Lime Makers, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4081 (PDF, 14.6 KB)

Local Government Civil Liability Allowance Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     18-Jan-23     18-Jan-26     C9617

Local Government (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     01-Jun-09     01-Jun-12     C7088

Extend        01-Jun-12     01-Jun-15     C7937

Margarine Makers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4079 (PDF, 14.3 KB)

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3712

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6597

Meat Preservers, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     07-Apr-93     07-Apr-96     B2169 (PDF, 13.3 KB)

Extend        21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3718

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6469

Mechanical Opticians, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4447 (PDF, 28.1 KB)

Medical Officers, Hospital Resident Medical Officers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3446 (PDF, 11.8 KB)

Dissolve      17-Mar-99     N/A           B9016 (PDF, 22.9 KB)

Medical Officers, Hospital Superintendents, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3447 (PDF, 11.8 KB)

Dissolve      17-Mar-99     N/A           B9016 (PDF, 22.9 KB)

Metal and Engineering Industry (New South Wales) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4527 (PDF, 53.2 KB)

Extend        21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3715

Metalliferous Mining (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3576

Extend        12-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6466

Milk Treatment, &c., Distribution (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     10-Oct-02     10-Oct-05     C1659

Extend        10-Oct-05     10-Oct-08     C4254

Miscellaneous Gardeners, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4658 (PDF, 42.9 KB)

Establish     15-Sep-99     15-Sep-02     B9127 (PDF, 25.1 KB)

Models and Mannequins (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4523 (PDF, 6.8 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9074 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-02     02-Sep-05     C2306

Extend        08-Dec-05     08-Dec-08     C4560

Motor Vehicle Salespersons (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4435 (PDF, 3.2 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9073 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-02     02-Sep-05     C2305

Extend        08-Dec-05     08-Dec-08     C4568

Municipal and Shire Councils (Nurses) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4707 (PDF, 14.9 KB)

Mushroom Growing Industry (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4099 (PDF, 13.0 KB)

Musicians (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B2562 (PDF, 13.2 KB)

Nurseries Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4097 (PDF, 14.3 KB)

Extend        09-Feb-05     09-Feb-08     C3574

Extend        09-Feb-08     09-Feb-11     C6582

Nurses' Air Ambulance (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4679 (PDF, 20.9 KB)

Extend        22-Jul-99     22-Jul-02     B9063 (PDF, 20.6 KB)

Dissolve      08-Feb-05     N/A           C3547

Nut Food Makers, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4063 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3711

Oyster Farms, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4092 (PDF, 13.2 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9081 (PDF, 73.8 KB)

Extend        07-Feb-05     07-Feb-08     C3593

Extend        07-Feb-08     07-Feb-11     C6583

Paint Industry (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3934 (PDF, 14.6 KB)

Establish     25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9058 (PDF, 22.1 KB)

Painters, &c. (State) Conciliation Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Dissolve      23-Jun-05     N/A           C3832

Parking Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4657 (PDF, 20.3 KB)

Establish     15-Sep-99     15-Sep-02     B9126 (PDF, 23.3 KB)

Extend        07-Feb-05     07-Feb-08     C3549

Pastoral Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4096 (PDF, 14.7 KB)

Extend        11-Feb-05     11-Feb-08     C3568

Extend        11-Feb-08     11-Feb-11     C6585

Pest Control Industry (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     07-Dec-96     07-Dec-99     B2694 (PDF, 11.8 KB)

Extend        21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3693

Pharmacists (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4519 (PDF, 6.8 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9075 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-02     02-Sep-05     C2325

Extend        08-Dec-05     08-Dec-08     C4569

Photographers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     15-Feb-93     15-Feb-96     B1978 (PDF, 15.0 KB)

Extend        16-Feb-05     16-Feb-08     C3575

Plaster of Paris Makers, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3933 (PDF, 14.3 KB)

Extend        25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9051 (PDF, 22.0 KB)

Plasterers, &c. (State) Conciliation Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Dissolve      23-Jun-05     N/A           C3832

Plastics Industry (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4549 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9118 (PDF, 21.0 KB)

Potato Crisp Makers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4077 (PDF, 13.5 KB)

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3710

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6577

Potato Growers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4098 (PDF, 14.2 KB)

Poulterers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4428 (PDF, 14.3 KB)

Extend        09-Mar-05     09-Mar-08     C3721

Extend        09-Mar-08     09-Mar-11     C6468

Poultry Farm Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     11-Feb-05     11-Feb-08     C3571

Extend        11-Feb-08     11-Feb-11     C6586

Private Hospital Employees (Professional Staff) (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3691 (PDF, 14.8 KB)

Establish     08-Dec-98     08-Dec-01     B9018 (PDF, 7.9 KB)

Extend        08-Oct-03     08-Oct-06     C2307

Extend        18-Oct-06     18-Oct-09     C4574

Private Hospital, Day Procedure Centre, Nursing Home &c., Nurses' (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     12-Aug-99     12-Aug-02     B9141 (PDF, 36.8 KB)

Extend        07-Feb-05     07-Feb-08     C3548

Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres Employees' (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3198 (PDF, 12.8 KB)

Private Pathology Laboratories (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3196 (PDF, 13.4 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9114 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Public Health Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     17-Mar-99     17-Mar-02     B9016 (PDF, 22.9 KB)

Extend        17-Sep-03     17-Sep-06     C2301

Extend        18-Sep-06     18-Sep-09     C4573

Extend        18-Sep-09     18-Sep-12     C7615

Extend        01-May-14     18-Sep-15     C8206

Extend        19-Sep-15     18-Sep-18     C8414

Public Hospital (Skilled Trades) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     17-Mar-99     17-Mar-02     B9020 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Public Hospital Nurses' (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4680 (PDF, 122.7 KB)

Extend        22-Jul-99     22-Jul-02     B9061 (PDF, 19.2 KB)

Extend        08-Feb-05     07-May-05     C3550

Extend        09-May-05     09-Sep-05     C3757

Dissolve      29-Jan-08     N/A           C6473

Public Hospitals Professional and Associated Staff (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3445 (PDF, 13.5 KB)

Dissolve      17-Mar-99     N/A           B9013 (PDF, 29.8 KB)

Public Hospitals Scientific Officers/Medical Technologists (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4706 (PDF, 14.6 KB)

Dissolve      17-Mar-99     N/A           B9016 (PDF, 22.9 KB)

Pyrotechnics (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3932 (PDF, 13.1 KB)

Establish     25-Nov-98     25-Nov-01     B9056 (PDF, 21.3 KB)

Race Clubs, &c., Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4141 (PDF, 14.7 KB)

Extend        07-Feb-05     07-Feb-08     C3551

Extend        07-Feb-08     07-Feb-11     C6573

Retail Employees (State) Industrial Committee - (Section 1)

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4454 (PDF, 7.2 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9068 (PDF, 20.8 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-02     02-Sep-05     C2326

Extend        14-Dec-05     14-Dec-08     C4347

Retail Employees (State) Industrial Committee - (Section 2)

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4454 (PDF, 7.2 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9072

Extend        02-Sep-02     02-Sep-05     C2327

Extend        14-Dec-05     14-Dec-08     C4348

Rock and Ore Milling and Refining (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4095 (PDF, 14.7 KB)

Establish     09-Feb-05     09-Feb-08     C3545

Extend        03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9131

Rubber Workers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B9222 (PDF, 24.2 KB)

Establish     19-Nov-02     19-Nov-05     C2013

Extend        06-Feb-06     19-Nov-08     C4366

Extend        19-Nov-08     19-Nov-11     C7075

Rural Lands Protection Boards (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3565 (PDF, 13.3 KB)

Saddlery, Leather, Canvas and Plastic Material Workers, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4656 (PDF, 34.5 KB)

Establish     15-Sep-99     15-Sep-02     B9122 (PDF, 26.4 KB)

Sawmillers, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4469 (PDF, 17.2 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9120 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Extend        21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3598

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6567

Security and Cleaning, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     09-Aug-99     09-Aug-02     B9111 (PDF, 69.1 KB)

Slaters, &c. (State) Conciliation Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Dissolve      23-Jun-05     N/A           C3832

Smallgoods Manufacturers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4406 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Extend        09-Mar-05     09-Mar-08     C3723

Extend        09-Mar-08     09-Mar-11     C6467

Soap and Candle Makers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4078 (PDF, 14.3 KB)

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3707

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6576

Spastic Centre of New South Wales Employees (State) Industrial Committee, The

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     08-Dec-98     08-Dec-01     B9019 (PDF, 6.7 KB)

Extend        17-Sep-03     17-Sep-06     C2299

Extend        18-Sep-06     18-Sep-09     C4575

Starch and Condiment Makers, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4149 (PDF, 15.0 KB)

Extend        03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9133 (PDF, 21.3 KB)

Establish     26-Nov-02     26-Nov-05     C2014

Extend        06-Feb-06     26-Nov-08     C4364

Extend        25-Jan-11     25-Jan-14     C7535

Stonemasons, &c. (State) Conciliation Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Dissolve      23-Jun-05     N/A           C3832

Storemen and Packers, General (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4169 (PDF, 23.8 KB)

Extend        03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9136 (PDF, 22.6 KB)

Establish     21-Nov-02     21-Nov-05     C2012

Extend        06-Feb-06     26-Nov-08     C4363

Extend        25-Jan-11     25-Jan-14     C7533

Storemen and Packers, Wholesale Oil and Petroleum Products (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4382 (PDF, 14.9 KB)

Establish     03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9140 (PDF, 22.5 KB)

Establish     21-Nov-02     21-Nov-05     C2011

Extend        06-Feb-06     26-Nov-08     C4365

Extend        25-Jan-11     25-Jan-14     C7538

Storemen and Packers, Wholesale Paint, Varnish, Oil and Colour Stores (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4381 (PDF, 14.7 KB)

Extend        03-Sep-99     03-Sep-02     B9134 (PDF, 21.4 KB)

Establish     21-Nov-02     21-Nov-05     C2009

Extend        06-Feb-06     26-Nov-08     C4367

Extend        25-Jan-11     25-Jan-14     C7537

Sugar Field Workers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4091 (PDF, 14.2 KB)

Extend        17-Feb-05     17-Feb-08     C3597

Extend        17-Feb-08     17-Feb-11     C6587

Sugar Workers (CSR Limited) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4548 (PDF, 15.4 KB)

Surveyors' Assistants (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4089 (PDF, 16.6 KB)

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3911

Extend        21-Feb-08     21-Feb-11     C6598

Sydney Cricket and Sportsground Trust, &c., Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4090 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Sydney Harbour Bridge Employees Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     13-May-93     13-May-96     B2314 (PDF, 14.6 KB)

Extend        01-Apr-05     01-Apr-08     C3702

Extend        01-Apr-08     01-Apr-11     C6599

Sydney Market Authority Conciliation Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     24-Feb-93     24-Feb-96     B1967 (PDF, 15.7 KB)

Dissolve      01-Apr-05     N/A           C3701

Tanners, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3930 (PDF, 14.1 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9113 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Tea Packing (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4082 (PDF, 14.0 KB)

Textile Workers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     17-Dec-96     17-Dec-99     B5539 (PDF, 39.1 KB)

Theatrical Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4147 (PDF, 21.1 KB)

Tilelayers (State) Conciliation Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Dissolve      23-Jun-05     N/A           C3832

Totalisator Agency Board Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4438 (PDF, 76.8 KB)

Extend        31-Aug-99     31-Aug-02     B9067 (PDF, 20.8 KB)

Toymakers' Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4061 (PDF, 13.3 KB)

Establish     21-Feb-05     21-Feb-08     C3915

Trained Nurses, &c., Other Than In Hospitals, &c. (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     14-Sep-94     14-Sep-97     B3233 (PDF, 16.3 KB)

Extend        22-Jul-99     22-Jul-02     B9062 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Extend        07-Feb-05     07-Feb-08     C3546

Extend        29-Jan-08     07-Feb-11     C6474

Transport Industry - Courier and Taxi Truck Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3939 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Extend        21-Feb-00     21-Feb-03     B9125 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Extend        17-Jun-04     17-Jun-07     C2635

Transport Industry - Mixed Enterprises (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4437 (PDF, 22.0 KB)

Establish     10-Oct-02     10-Oct-05     C1660

Transport Industry - Motor Bus Drivers and Conductors (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4186 (PDF, 14.9 KB)

Establish     10-Oct-02     10-Oct-05     C1657

Transport Industry - Quarried Materials (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4408 (PDF, 15.2 KB)

Establish     10-Oct-02     10-Oct-05     C1662

Transport Industry - Wholesale Butchers (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4441 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Establish     11-Dec-02     11-Dec-05     C2019

Transport Industry - Wood and Coal (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4409 (PDF, 15.1 KB)

Establish     25-Sep-02     25-Sep-05     C1656

Transport Industry (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4436 (PDF, 20.3 KB)

Establish     18-Dec-02     18-Dec-05     C2015

Transport Industry Motor Drivers and Conductors (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4186 (PDF, 14.9 KB)

Establish     10-Oct-02     10-Oct-05     C1657

Transport Industry Wholesale Butchers (Country) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Apr-96     02-Apr-99     B4441 (PDF, 14.4 KB)

Dissolve      09-Mar-05     N/A           C3261

Typewriters, &c., Mechanics (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4470 (PDF, 14.5 KB)

Vegetable Oils, &c., Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4080 (PDF, 15.9 KB)

Vehicle Industry (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4456 (PDF, 9.7 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9077 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-02     02-Sep-05     C2304

Extend        06-Feb-06     06-Feb-09     C4360

Warehouse Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4520 (PDF, 8.5 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9078 (PDF, 20.7 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-02     02-Sep-05     C2324

Extend        08-Feb-06     08-Feb-09     C4557

Waste Industry Collection and Transportation of Waste Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     12-Feb-98     12-Feb-01     B6292 (PDF, 21.7 KB)

Establish     16-Apr-02     16-Apr-05     C1236

Waste Industry Collection and Transportation Recycling and Disposal Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     20-Mar-98     20-Mar-01     B6293 (PDF, 21.8 KB)

Establish     16-Apr-02     16-Apr-05     C1241

Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Employees (State) Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B4439 (PDF, 6.8 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-99     02-Sep-02     B9080 (PDF, 20.8 KB)

Extend        02-Sep-02     02-Sep-05     C2323

Extend        08-Feb-06     08-Feb-09     C4555

Zoological Parks Board Employees Industrial Committee

Type          Effective     Expiry        Pubn No.

Establish     02-Sep-96     02-Sep-99     B3472 (PDF, 27.8 KB)

Last updated:

20 Apr 2023

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